You have been cleaning your carpets regularly and yet your allergies remain. It isn’t as if your carpet is terribly old or pets are a consideration, rather it is the type of carpet that is causing your eyes to water, your nose to run, and what is making you miserable by the moment.
Removing the carpeting and installing wood floors is not an option for you. For one, carpeting muffles noise. For another, carpeting keeps your home warmer during the coldest months of the year. Here’s what you need to consider when examining your carpet replacement choices.

Pets can contribute to your allergy problem. So can mildew, dust, pollen, and mold. When allergens enter your home they just do not stick around, they make their home in areas where you cannot easily reach them such as in the base of your carpeting.
Certainly, regular vacuuming and carpet cleaning can help. Even so, allergens typically become trapped in and around your carpet fibers. Walk across your carpet and you will kick up a fresh round of allergens, what sets off your allergic reactions.
Most people can tolerate at least some allergens. For people with asthma, carpeting can exacerbate the problem. Fortunately, carpet manufacturers have come up with special carpets that even asthma sufferers will love.
Carpeting is typically made from synthetic blends, incorporating nylon and polyester, the same materials found in clothing, bedding and bath towels. If you can tolerate these materials, then you can handle the synthetic blend.
What you may find difficult handling are natural fibers such as wool. Allergens and mold love wool and will make a home in wool carpeting. You can also reduce your allergic reaction by selecting the lowest pile carpeting and one with tightly woven strands — allergens will find it difficult to take up residence.